Faithful Patriots: Heroes of July Tribute

Faithful Patriots: Heroes of July Tribute

With all of the madness circling the nation over the past months, it is nice to take a step back and look at some of the good this world has to offer.

Faithful Patriots would like to recognize and pay tribute to the American heroes who exemplified the bravery, courage and selfless sacrifices that make our nation the greatest nation on earth…yes, still.

These people were a beacon of light and hope during a time when the nation was reeling. May God grant them His blessings for their heroism and courage.

Officer Anthony Dia

Officer Anthony Dia gave his life defending the communities and people of our nation.

This courageous law enforcement officer braved the hate and prejudice that our nation is currently displaying towards our law enforcement agencies…a message that is being driven by the cowardly leaders of our cities and government.

Anthony’s last words would that of “Tell my family I love them”, as he was gunned down trying to protect his community.

Our nation cannot let the sacrifice of Anthony, as well as the sacrifices of law enforcement officers across the nation, be in vain.

Master Sgt. Andrew Marckesano (aka Captain America)

As happens all too often, our brave men and women of our US Military succumb to the lingering horrors and images of war.

But this instance was especially painful as Master Sgt. Marckesano was seen as the Captain America of the day, built for engagement and duty. Marckesano served the majority of his life in the defense of freedom for this country, and his sacrifices are that of legend. May God grant him the peace that this world could not bring him.


This amazing young boy risked his life to save his sister from an attacking dog. The dog then turned and attacked him leaving him with over 90+ stitches and reconstructive surgery to his face. His story is one selflessness and sacrifice for those you love. What a heroic young boy.

Bevelyn Beatty

True Americans will agree in the God-given fundamental and equal rights for all people, no matter what race, creed, religion…that is the cornerstone foundation of our nation.

However, BLM has taken that cornerstone, and hidden their Marxist agenda behind our American values and painted them as a fight for equal liberties.

Bevelyn Beatty not only had the reasoning and foresight to see past their Marxist schemes, but the courage to take a stand and fight back for what she believed in.
